A newly-married couple from Los Angeles quit their jobs to work on farms and wineries across Europe. Read it from the beginning...

View from a Wine Label

Posted: September 13th, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: Bordeaux, France, Wine | 2 Comments »

Like many wineries, Chateau Brandeau has an image of its main house (the chateau) on the label of their wine bottles. We lived in that house, so every label is like a snapshot of where we spent part of our summer. We were in the two lower-left windows. For comparison, here’s the real house:

You can see they tweak the dimensions a bit for the label, but same general idea. So what’s the view like looking out from this wine label? Here it is:

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2 Comments on “View from a Wine Label”

  1. 1 Sarah said at 3:36 am on September 14th, 2010:

    what amazing memories you are building

  2. 2 Jeanne said at 7:22 am on September 14th, 2010:

    Pretty darn cool. Will it be hard to leave the vagabond life behind?

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